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About SamArm
On 22.05.2018 Samel 90 Company and UAE-based International Armored Group (IAG) have opened a manufacturing facility to produce various types of armored vehicles in Samokov, Bulgaria.
The new joint venture company has been called SAMARM. Samel90 and IAG join their efforts in the development and production of new products for the needs of the Bulgarian army and police, as well as for the needs of the international market. SAMARM company has a capacity to produce between 100 and 120 armored vehicles annually.
SAMARM is a joint project of the Bulgarian company Samel-90 AD, which is one of the leading world leaders in the specialized production of radio jammers, both for military purposes and for protection against improvised explosive devices, and INTERNATIONAL ARMORED GROUP, an international company – leader in the introduction of specialized armored combat vehicles and vehicles.
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